If you haven't already met us in the store, please let us introduce ourselves... We are the newest Mint Julep gals, Hannah and Erin!
And here are a few of our favorite new things: Resort-wear. We will show you!
Hello, all! Originally from Nantucket, MA, I am currently new to Boston, and loving it! I spend my days studioing on my jewelry (www.HannahBlount.com), or working in the Julep. I have so much fun here!
So here are some special items I have fallen in love with:
Embracing the weather! It has been a little nasty lately (not like today), so you might as well make it a fun look with our assortment of Marimekko umbrellas. Stay warm and add some color to your wardrobe with this green Beth Bowley jacket, too!

This classic pink Shoshanna dress is just so much fun. It is such a happy color, and a flattering fit that will look great on any figure! You will be the star of any party, and very pink. Need I say more?
I hope I have given you all some fun new things to ponder for the upcoming seasons! Next time you pop into the store, be sure to say hello!
Greetings fellow fashionistas! I am originally from Rhode Island and Graduated from Boston's Suffolk University in 2007. I was in a traveling theatre company all over the US for a year before moving back to Boston where I have blissfully been working at Mint Julep since July and loving every minuet of it! Here are some of my top picks for this vaction season!

Ok Party Girls...This dress speaks for itself... This classic Shoshana cut strapless complete with pockets will bring some Caribbean color to any fun affair now through the upcoming summer season!
I hope this helps brings some warm wishes and ideas for what's in style this season! Thanks for visiting! Next time you are in the store be sure to introduce yourselves! <3 Erin